Hello! I am excited to be working with you this semester. This page is a repository for things I share with students often. If it looks like I’m missing something, just let me know.

My office hours: I am always happy to meet, but I don’t have formally scheduled office hours. Please arrange an appointment via email, or through this online service.

Writing resources

Sentence stress and the "known-new contract" (PDF download) — if you only read one thing, make it this! Students often find it very helpful to think about how sentences work, and how to use simple sentences to convey complex ideas.

The "reverse U" paragraph structure — If you're getting feedback that your argument is not clear, or that it is just plot summary, the problem may lie in paragraph structures.

Reverse outlining — If you're getting comments about an unclear essay flow, or paragraphs that seem unrelated, this editing technique can help you examine your essay's structural organization.

Other helpful links